Massage faq's

What do I wear?

Wear whatever you would like! For long services our service providers will step out of the service room to let you undress privately and cover yourself up with the sheets.

Should I talk during a massage, body treatment or facial?

If you feel like talking, go ahead. If you want peace and quiet, mention to your therapist that you really need to zone out for your service time.

Do you offer couples massages? (2 people in the same room at the same time?)

Yes we do! Be sure to book the couples massage option!

What's your policy on children in the spa?

All staff members either have some, or know some. We love children. We don't, however take them into spa services with us. We respectfully request that children under the age of 10 be left with a loving adult so that you and other guests can achieve the relaxation they came for. If you are shopping in our retail area and have young children with you, please be attentive to them. It's for their safety and a courtesy to our other spa guests.

Should I tip?

Tipping is not mandatory, but always appreciated. Leaving gratuities for work well done seems to be the norm in the service industry.

What are the benefits of massage?

The health experts at National University of Health Sciences want you to know the top five health benefits of adding regular massage therapy to your health and wellness strategy.

Massage therapy from a licensed practitioner can:

  • Lower stress
  • The long-term effects of stress can take emotional and physical tolls. Massage therapy may relieve stress and conditions associated with it, such as tension headaches.
  • Increase immune function
  • Medical research indicates that massage therapy can help boost immune system strength by increasing the activity level of the body’s natural “killer T cells,” which fight off viruses.
  • Boost mental health and wellness
  • Research suggests that symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression (all associated with mental health) may be directly affected with massage therapy.
  • Manage pain
  • Pain can negatively affect a person’s quality of life and impede recovery from illness or injury. Recent findings highlight the role of massage in pain management.
  • Improve physical fitness
  • Elite and recreational athletes alike can benefit from massage therapy-massage can reduce muscle tension, improve exercise performance and prevent injuries.